Empowering This Community Since 1920
Commercial • Residential • Industrial: 610.434.9595

Emergency Services


At Diefenderfer, safety is a major focus in all aspects of out projects. From the bid process, into the planning process, right through the installation and project completion, safety is discussed, reviewed, implemented, and carefully monitored.

Our expectation is to meet or exceed ALL regulations. We welcome input, criticism, and advice from all of our project counterparts as we strongly believe in the team approach to keep projects safe.


  • Full-time Safety Director, resume available upon request

  • Eight-member safety committee whose members include the president, administrative staff, project managers, and foremen

  • Committee meets monthly to discuss company related specific issues, as well as OSHA requirements

  • Orientation program for all newly hired employees

  • Continuing education program on all aspects of electrical and construction safety

  • Weekly “Took Box Talk” program for all employees


Statistics on Deifenderfer’s safety record for the past three years are as follows:

Experience Modification Rate0.7550.7490.806
OSHA Recordable Incident Rate7.9807.1303.410
Lost Time Incident Rate0.6101.4300.280


Diefenderfer ensures that our employees are properly trained for the specific circumstances of a job. Below is a summary of some of the training programs our employees have attended:

Type of TrainingQualified Employees
OSHA (10 hour and/or 30 hour occumpational safety and health programs)All Key Personnel
Confined Space20
Asbestos Awareness58
Excavation Competent Person17
First Aid53
Basic Life SUpport55